
Bus Pirate v3b LCD Adapter Kit


SKU: KIT-000019 Categories: , Tags: ,

Product Description


The “Bus Pirate”, designed by Dangerous Prototypes, is a universal bus interface that talks to most chips from a PC serial terminal, eliminating a ton of early prototyping effort when working with new or unknown chips. Many serial protocols are supported at 0-5.5volts, more can be added.

  • 1-Wire
  • I2C
  • SPI
  • JTAG
  • Asynchronous serial
  • MIDI
  • PC keyboard
  • HD44780 LCD
  • 2- and 3-wire libraries with bitwise pin control
  • Scriptable binary bitbang, 1-Wire, I2C, SPI, and UART modes

Other Features

  • 0-6volt measurement probe
  • 1Hz-40MHz frequency measurement
  • 1kHz – 4MHz pulse-width modulator, frequency generator
  • On-board multi-voltage pull-up resistors
  • On-board 3.3volt and 5volt power supplies with software reset
  • Macros for common operations
  • Bus traffic sniffers (SPI, I2C)
  • A bootloader for easy firmware updates
  • Transparent USB->serial mode
  • 10Hz-1MHz SUMP compatible low-speed logic analyzer
  • AVR STK500 v2 programmer clone
  • Supported in AVRDude programmer
  • Scriptable from Perl, Python, etc.
  • Translations (currently Spanish and Italian)

Differeneces from the official v3b

The hardware is functionally identical with the official v3b except:

  1. Power LED and Rx LED are removed, which results two LEDs left on board. The green one is for onboard power regulator and the yellow one is for MODE indication.
  2. A resettable fuse is added to the design, which could protect the USB port of your PC if short circuit occurs.
  3. Cable color pattern is the same as the official version. You don’t need to remember the pinout of the cable. Simply use the “v” command at any time to learn the functions of wires in current mode, as shown in the terminal screenshot above.
  4. The USB to serial convertor chip in this design is PL2303HX.

Terminal Output


In the Package

  1. A fully tested and assembled Bus Pirate board (including a plastic enclosure) with the latest bootloader and firmware. (The same versions as shown in the terminal output screenshot above)
  2. A 10-pin rainbow test cable with probes.
  3. A 1.0m USB mini cable.
  4. 12 addtional probes in 6 different colors.
  5. A LCD adapter board for Bus Pirate.
  6. A piece of 16-pin break away male header.
  7. A piece of 16-pin break away female header.
  8. Two pieces of 2-pin break away male header.
  9. Two jumpers.
  10. A cable for LCD adapter.




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